
Reading 2/13/2023 – Search for a New Perspective

Card: Eight of Swords

Element for the Week: Air

Mantra: Search for a new perspective.

Dearest Poppet,

The chains that imprison us in life may never be visible. To make matters worse, we may not ever become conscious of what holds us back. We might feel like are hitting a slump, without ever realizing that we are doing something to hold ourselves back.

Be careful that you aren’t unintentionally sabotaging yourself along the way. Be wary of your thoughts this week and be quick to challenge any ultimatums. A lot of times, there are many ways around a challenge, but we are unable to see it in the moment. At the end of the day – all we can see is the problem and nothing else.

Weirdly, before I chose the card for the week – my human had mentioned that she was a bit stressed about this week. Everything seemed to be coming at once. She couldn’t really find a moment where should just slow down and turn off her mind. Upon hearing this – I begged her to see if she could step outside of her struggles and study to see if she was doing anything to imprison herself. I can honestly say that she has a lot of responsibility, so even if she is self-sabotaging herself, it could only go so far. But that doesn’t mean that she couldn’t be making bad decisions and doing things that hurt.

Life cannot be perfect all of the time but that doesn’t mean that we should be constantly wounding ourselves. Try to take another look at a challenge and see if you can uncover any hidden messages about yourself.

With encouragement,

Irene la poupée


Reading 1/30/2023 – Remember That You Are Human

Card: Nine of Swords

Element for the Week: Air

Mantra: Every challenge can put me in a place of realization.

Dearest Poppet,

I know that I often remind you of how I am a doll that used to be human. Even though I am no longer of flesh and bone – my soul was imprinted within this porcelain body. Now I am but an observer to your experience (and that of my human caretaker) and that allows me to see your suffering and joy with a great deal of clarity.

I only wish that I had carried this perspective in my previous existence. Then again- that would be impossible.

Last week I wrote to you about emotional stability but this week, that steadiness does not carry over. This is a time with fears and anxiety can infect your wellbeing. It’s understandable at times – you want to guard yourself and be prepared for any uncertainties. However, things can become unbalanced, and you can find yourself just lost in a nightmare of thought.

That spiral doesn’t heal or help in any way. Also, you can be completely unconscious to its grip on you – the only indication being that negative feeling.

This week, I want you to try to take some deep breaths and take a moment to see where the thoughts are coming from. More than likely, it’s a fear of some kind. I don’t want you to tackle said fear (especially if your mental health is comprised, someone more medically qualified has to do that). I just want you to be aware and to see it for what it is – a thought not grounded in reality.

I know my human often wonders why she has to feel this way – why can’t those emotions just be gone? I try to remind her that sometimes, these ungrounded fears can put you in a place of realization. What I mean by that is they can actually give you an insight into something hidden. There is something deeper that is tied within that fear and uncovering that can help to understand what you are really afraid of. While that discovery may not magic your worries away, it can help because it shows you the real problem that needs to be worked out.

I hope that you move through this week with encouragement – you can get to the bottom of fears and negative emotions, and you can come out stronger. You can also uncover something important about yourself – something that would never ever come to the surface if everything in life were “perfect”.

May you feel empowered and proud of yourself by week’s end.

With hope,

Irene la poupée


2 – 14 – 22 Reading: Use this Opportunity for Change

Dearest Poppet,

I sincerely hope you are well and trust that you have enjoyed sometime for yourself. There are so many wonderful things about life, yet who doesn’t enjoy curling up with a book or three?? Just taking time to reflect gives me time to reconnect with this strange existence. I’m sure my human is grateful that I am not an evil doll!

I am deeply invested in the occult and would love to spend my days in a library full of ancient tomes. What a time to be alive (for others at least)! I remember the days when this wasn’t as accepted and even in the last 20 years or so, I’ve noticed many tarot books are commonplace in bookshops. I am delighted with the popularity of occult practices and magic. It truly is a good time to be a card reader!

Though our cards have given us quite a lot to ponder these past weeks. Times might have been tough but expect things to get a little easier. Suddenly, the clouds of the storm are going to part.

However, I have to stress the importance of making changes and using this time to do things a little differently. Problems may go but they can find a way back to us if we remain stagnant. Just one or two changes a day doesn’t seem significant, but can be life-altering over the course of many months.

Old problems don’t have to haunt us–they can be the motivators for positive change.

With encouragement,

Irene la poupée


2 – 7 -22 Reading: Do Not Allow Old Wounds To Fester

Dearest Poppet,

I’ve made it clear throughout our correspondence that I am a mere doll – and rightly so! I’m not the biggest admirer of the human experience because it seems quite painful at times! All I can do observe my human…and honestly, that is enough suffering for me. I see her agonize over the smallest slight and I am stuck comforting her because I possess a great deal of logic.

I don’t always understand the ways of the heart because it seems a bit wild and unpredictable. Also, you can be subjugated to deep wounds that can be tough to uncover. Though I understand this is the season of love, I just would like you to be careful. There’s a high chance right now for a wound of the heart and it’s important to not allow those stabs to overtake you.

When we people do wrong – intentionally or not – we are left to nurse it (‘we’ meaning I have to comfort my human, I certainty am not afflicted with heart wounds!). The pain can stay with us for a long while and really steal our happiness in the moment. While I understand that there’s sometimes no way to avoid this sort of pain, finding ways to heal is extremely important. I always recommend if you can channel the emotions into something positive – you can’t go wrong with art or a hate poem or two!

Wishing you a strong week and I hope that you are able to heal and to do something for you.

With love,

Irene la poupée


1 – 17 – 22 Reading: Release and allow it to go

Dearest Poppet,

Sometimes we try to fight the inevitable – pouring all of our energy and life into trying to save or avoid the fate that we can see for a project, relationship, or dream. Our behavior is often unintentional and we keep trying and hoping that we can do something to stop it. All of that hope, all of that time, we don’t want it to be all for waste and we don’t want to be left with the pain.

I can say for sure that it is better to left for with the pain for a short while–so that the healing can begin. It’s better to live in reality and truth (which I know probably sounds silly while reading this letter from a doll but I still mean it!!) – don’t poison your life with a lie, have the courage to live in honesty and healing.

I am here for you if you need me, I am rooting for you to stay strong. I am not wishing you to give up or avoid every tough situation–just that if you can see something winding to a close, just wish it on its way and keep pressing forward.

With encouragement,

Irene la poupée


1 – 10 – 22 Reading: Allow Fortune’s Favor

Dearest Poppet,

There’s a time when we must rest and allow ourselves to be heal and restore, where we must take things slow and forget about all of our obligations. Slowing down allows us to see the big picture and reprioritize what matters most to us.

However, this week is not one of those times. Now is where we need to spring into action and get moving. I might be a doll, but I know how much courage it takes to gather that boldness, especially when you have to motivated yourself.

I hope that you feel empowered to accomplish what matters most to you this week, perhaps even take a risk or two! This is where we seize our opportunities and bring our plans to life.

Wishing you courage,

Irene la poupée


11-15-21: Card of the Week: Four of Swords

Dearest Poppet,

I might be a doll but I am a keen observer of human beings and their behaviors and I have to say, sometimes you all overdo it. The need for success is strong within you all but there is a physical cost for that. They say ‘what goes up must come down’ but sometimes the down is more like a crash. My human is guilty of this more times than one, and I’m sure she is not alone! The best intentions can sometimes get away and this card of the week is a clear reminder to slow it down a bit.

The Four of Swords represents severely slowing down and taking a step back – a retreat or time within is necessary here because it is greatly needed. Stillness and solitude are helpful this week, especially before the holidays ramp up. It’s important to take some time to rest and remove the mental clutter. You don’t want to burn out when you are going to be needed most, and there’s a lot of healing that comes from taking the time now to recharge.

The demands of the world will always be there and sometimes they can wait so that you can recover. I hope that you are able to enjoy some much needed downtime-even small moments here and there are helpful-so that you feel better and ready to take on the world.

With love,

Irene la poupée