
Reading 1/23/2023 – Rule Your Emotions

Card: King Of Cups

Element for the Week: Water

Mantra: I am sovereign of every emotion in my realm

Dearest Poppet,

I am hopeful that this year has begun with a different purpose than all previous ones. My human has changed so dramatically that it’s hard to believe that 2022 was only a few short weeks ago. She is quite aggressive in approaching every obstacle and hopes that this year, life reflects what she has always wished for.

It’s tough to see the entire journey that every one of our decisions can activate. It’s only when we look back on our lives that we see what actions made the biggest impact. What terrifies my human and I is that these choices often boil down to one delicate thought. We hope that somehow or another, we continue to make more of those right decisions as we travel though this new year.

Also, Poppet, please forgive my extended absence the past couple of months. My human struggled with a lot of mental health issues, and I had to do my best to comfort her. Please know that I thought of you often and always looked forward to our next correspondence. I wish you knew how much warmth you bring me and how happy I am to write to you every week.

For this week’s message, the King of Cups brings in a time of emotional fortitude – you are able to manage the highs and lows of feelings (and even though I am a doll, I remember all of my emotions from when I was human). This is the week to make those bigger decisions because you will be the most objective.

I hope that you are able to look back and be so relieved that whatever new path you take this week leads to something magnificent later on. You don’t necessarily want to trust your emotions (because they still can be unruly) but you do want to believe in your ability to reign over them.

With joy,

Irene la poupée


4 – 11 -22 Reading: Allow your inner strength to surface

Dearest Poppet,

Sometimes the world can really throw a lot at us – I know that my human has been incredibly overwhelmed with just life right now. There’s a lot that can happen that can really suck the life right out of us. It doesn’t take much to be brought down or to have to fight to stay positive.

It can be an uphill battle to gather enough confidence to press forward.

Be sure to cultivate your inner strength this week – allow it to take a step out there in the world. Inner fortitude isn’t always about being the loudest or the outright strongest. It comes from your own personal power and belief, and that can’t be faked.

I hope that you can feel able to conquer anything that comes across your path this week.

With hope,

Irene la poupée


12 – 13 – 21 Weekly Reading <3

Dearest Poppet,

I’m sure you are familiar with how easy it is for our thoughts and emotions to get carried away. I might be a doll but I used to be human, and haven’t forgotten what it was like to be swept away by runaway fears.

When fear takes over, it can be difficult to break free from it. We want to prepare ourselves mentally and we really can’t think of anything else. The desire to figure it out and get away from it becomes overwhelming, and we can find ourselves consumed in the process.

Though it’s tough to gather the strength to challenge these fears – doing so eliminates a lot of the thoughts and emotions. It’s important to see the fear in reality so that it isn’t allowed to grow and get out of control.

I hope that you can muster the courage to bring some of your fears to reality this week — I’m off the crack the whip on my human who is attempting to avoid said fear!

With sincerity,

Irene la poupée


12 – 6 – 21: Card of the Week: Eight of Swords

Dearest Poppet,

The holidays can be an exhilarating but trying time. There’s so much magic and celebration but there is also additional demands that can really take a toll on us. I hope that you are able to steal some moments to unwind, but even that isn’t enough sometimes.

The card of the week is extremely favorable – VIII The Strength. Strength can show itself in many forms, and it is not always in brute strength. You need to embrace the ways that you are uniquely strong and forge ahead with those strengths. We can’t solve everything, but we can still end our days knowing that we tackled everything that was thrown at us today.

I hope that you feel a surge of strength and are able to make it through whatever is challenging you.

With love,

Irene la poupée