
Reading 6/12/2023 – Reevaluate your intentions

Card: Nine of Chalices

Element for the Week: Water

Mantra: Reevaluate your intentions

Dearest Poppet,

Sometimes, we have a clear understanding of why we do what we do. We all desire something and when that thing enters our awareness – we can easily act without thought. Whether we capture it or not – we still don’t have to question our actions or make sense of our behavior.

If only life was always that straightforward. Many times we will mindlessly act without a clear purpose or want. Though that can be for the best so that life doesn’t entirely fall down the hedonistic path but there are always balances.

Our message for this week is to stop and question your motives. Why are you behaving the way that you are? Is it because you want to win anyone over? There is nothing wrong with wanting to impress others but sometimes your best intentions can really harm you. If you focus too much on others, their wishes will dominate your entire existence. Then you’ll find that days, weeks, and months are spent following the vision of someone else.

To make matters worse, if you don’t stay in touch with yourself then you won’t know what to fall back on after you step away from them. In order to know what is important to you, you have to remain in touch with it.

Those who really care about you will meet you wherever you are at.

I hope that you feel encouraged to question what or who drives you.

Warm regards,

Irene la poupée