
7 – 18 – 22: Smell the roses

Dearest Poppet,

I hope that stress has not gotten the better of you, and that you are enjoying the heart of summer. A bit of rain surprised my human and I a couple of nights ago! We couldn’t believe how close the thunder traveled to our home! We love curling under a chunky blanket together as the wind rages violently outside of our windows.

More things should be enjoyed. There always seems to be a lot that needs to be improved but there is also something to be said for what you are doing well. Definitely take a moment to take stock of any comfort that you have been able to provide yourself. It doesn’t matter how small it is, it matters. For instance, my human is doing much better with clearing out the clutter in her life (well I should say our lives) and it has been so beneficial for her wellbeing. There is still so much to work on but there always will be. Slowing down and taking a moment to notice all that you have done is huge. You’ll start to notice more and more things that you made an effort for.

Be mindful of what you’ve made for yourself while paying more attention to what needs to be happen for the future. The future can only be a product of your daily actions right now, but if we don’t take a moment to appreciate all that we’ve done, we’ll just work ourselves into a corner.

With encouragement,

Irene la poupée