
8 – 29 – 22: Stay patient

Dearest Poppet,

The past few weeks have been trying times for both my human and I, but we will do our best to pull through. Though I am but a doll, I can see how my human has been pushed nearly to her breaking limit. It’s odd how quickly things can suddenly be too much – I help her the best I can and we are working at it every day – but it doesn’t seem to still be enough.

I thought she was going to throw my tarot cards at me – when I gave her my reading for the week. Trying times as they are, it’s still important to remain grounded as best we can. We can’t compromise what we stand for because we will literally fall into nothing – we need to hold onto who we are. We need to continue to be patient and not rush through it all because that doesn’t change us or make us better. We can always grow and learn to be better, but that won’t happen unless we continue to go through what we are going through.

With encouragment,

Irene la poupée


2 – 21 – 22 Reading: Stay Centered

Dearest Poppet,

There are many shiny baubles in this world, trinkets that would be all the more exciting upon possessing it. There’s an infinite amount of exciting gadgets – whether there are material or not – and its easy to get get swept away by our wishes and desires.

What if I owned _____________ ? Wouldn’t my life be all the better for it?

The truth is, we don’t really know. Some things are better and some would become a burden. As an example, my human and I watched a show about a woman who had won millions and millions from the lottery – and she still wasn’t happy. You could see it in her body language and face because suddenly, she had a ton more responsibilities and people coming at her. I can’t imagine how draining that must be (at least for me, I could just stay still and go back to being a doll – you can’t find me – but you humans don’t have that luxury!!).

We will never have all of the answers or know what truly makes us happy until we lose it. Despite all of our wants, we need to remain grounded and not allow ourselves to become carried away by our foolishness. Keep pressing forward in life absolutely, but do so with a clear and grounded approach. Your life can really become lost to wants if you don’t stay centered.

With love,

Irene la poupée