
Reading 2/13/2023 – Search for a New Perspective

Card: Eight of Swords

Element for the Week: Air

Mantra: Search for a new perspective.

Dearest Poppet,

The chains that imprison us in life may never be visible. To make matters worse, we may not ever become conscious of what holds us back. We might feel like are hitting a slump, without ever realizing that we are doing something to hold ourselves back.

Be careful that you aren’t unintentionally sabotaging yourself along the way. Be wary of your thoughts this week and be quick to challenge any ultimatums. A lot of times, there are many ways around a challenge, but we are unable to see it in the moment. At the end of the day – all we can see is the problem and nothing else.

Weirdly, before I chose the card for the week – my human had mentioned that she was a bit stressed about this week. Everything seemed to be coming at once. She couldn’t really find a moment where should just slow down and turn off her mind. Upon hearing this – I begged her to see if she could step outside of her struggles and study to see if she was doing anything to imprison herself. I can honestly say that she has a lot of responsibility, so even if she is self-sabotaging herself, it could only go so far. But that doesn’t mean that she couldn’t be making bad decisions and doing things that hurt.

Life cannot be perfect all of the time but that doesn’t mean that we should be constantly wounding ourselves. Try to take another look at a challenge and see if you can uncover any hidden messages about yourself.

With encouragement,

Irene la poupée


12 – 6 – 21: Card of the Week: Eight of Swords

Dearest Poppet,

The holidays can be an exhilarating but trying time. There’s so much magic and celebration but there is also additional demands that can really take a toll on us. I hope that you are able to steal some moments to unwind, but even that isn’t enough sometimes.

The card of the week is extremely favorable – VIII The Strength. Strength can show itself in many forms, and it is not always in brute strength. You need to embrace the ways that you are uniquely strong and forge ahead with those strengths. We can’t solve everything, but we can still end our days knowing that we tackled everything that was thrown at us today.

I hope that you feel a surge of strength and are able to make it through whatever is challenging you.

With love,

Irene la poupée


11-08-21: Card of the Week: Eight Of Cups

Dearest Poppet,

I am shocked by the hostile air this evening- I can hear my human on the phone, making every effort to calm down several folks. I wonder if everyone just needs some time to decompress? The busy holidays are swiftly on their way and things will only get more hectic!

Despite the frustration of the day, this actually leads up quite nicely to our card of the week – The Eight of Cups. Usually in this card, you will see a figure sailing away from eight goblets. This is the perfect card that represents release, letting go.

This card signifies sailing away from something that no longer serves us – moving forward with lighter steps and abandoning what doesn’t help us anymore. We can feel disappointed from this ‘loss’ but that’s just our nature. We invest and pour so much of ourselves into our desires – it’s going to feel like a letdown. But moving on is the best way of pushing forward and it doesn’t mean that we won’t get something amazing in the future, it just means we aren’t holding on to the things that aren’t good for us.

I hope that you feel at peace moving on from something that holds you back.

With faith,

Irene la poupée


6-28-21: Card of the Week: Eight of Coins

Dearest Poppet,

Is it just me or is it far easier to dream rather than do? I am lost for days with my wild ideas of grandeur – for my desires to become books and my sketches to be painted on canvas. How I would give anything to be in a bigger space than this little old dollhouse. Alas, reality is much slower to change than the realm of my mind!

For now, I wanted to share our card for week – Eight of Coins. This card is about dedicating ourselves to the laborious and repetitious tasks needed to grow our craft. Every day we must toil and endlessly press ahead to become masters. As blacksmiths, we hammer away at the iron day by day to slowly build in our skill. It can be painful and unending – but it is quite necessary.

Without determination, we will succumb to the discomfort of the present. One day, we will find ourselves looking back and realize how stagnant we’ve become. If you can’t find a reason to endure the challenges of the present, finding a journal 5 years from now with the same goals that you have then will really cause a disturbance. Time presses on and time doesn’t care, we must take the time every day to mold our dreams in reality.

Yours Truly,

Irene la poupée