
Reading 6/12/2023 – Reevaluate your intentions

Card: Nine of Chalices

Element for the Week: Water

Mantra: Reevaluate your intentions

Dearest Poppet,

Sometimes, we have a clear understanding of why we do what we do. We all desire something and when that thing enters our awareness – we can easily act without thought. Whether we capture it or not – we still don’t have to question our actions or make sense of our behavior.

If only life was always that straightforward. Many times we will mindlessly act without a clear purpose or want. Though that can be for the best so that life doesn’t entirely fall down the hedonistic path but there are always balances.

Our message for this week is to stop and question your motives. Why are you behaving the way that you are? Is it because you want to win anyone over? There is nothing wrong with wanting to impress others but sometimes your best intentions can really harm you. If you focus too much on others, their wishes will dominate your entire existence. Then you’ll find that days, weeks, and months are spent following the vision of someone else.

To make matters worse, if you don’t stay in touch with yourself then you won’t know what to fall back on after you step away from them. In order to know what is important to you, you have to remain in touch with it.

Those who really care about you will meet you wherever you are at.

I hope that you feel encouraged to question what or who drives you.

Warm regards,

Irene la poupée


5-23-22 Reading: Embrace Metamorphosis

Dearest Poppet,

Please forgive the extended recess, my human and I were facing a lot together. Out of the blue, things became overwhelming and we both weren’t sure how to find our way out the chaos. There’s always a new lesson on the horizon and the harder we try to avoid them, the faster they find us.

Sometimes, we can be in a rut for a while and it’s tough to see that there are some aspects of ourselves that we have to release–old habits that no longer serve us, people that are a real detriment, beliefs that aren’t realistic (and this is coming from a writing doll!). As long as we hold ourselves back, it’s that much harder to face what life has instore for us.

But the good news is that it only takes small steps to make improvement, and the more steps you begin to take, the more change that sweeps over. I hope that you feel inspired to make things better and that you will look back and see all of the positive differences that are now in your life.

With encouragement,

Irene la poupée


1-31-22 Reading – Look Within For The Answer

Dearest Poppet,

I hope that you are in good spirits and are staying healthy, I felt like a downtrodden vessel that was aimlessly passing through the days. I hope I don’t sound overdramatic, but I just felt a bit directionless. All of my grand plans have run out with my human being sick with COVID and there’s uncertainty of when she will be well enough to assist me. So I’ve been tending to our small garden and I somehow managed to kill the succulents–seems like a ridiculous accomplishment living in a desert!

As tough it was, I managed to stay disciplined and did not spend any money last week (except for a few groceries). I am hoping for the go ahead to be wild and free but I know that I will have to lay low until my human tests negative.

I am not surprised to say that we are meant for this time – though it might be isolating and uncertain so that we can search for the answers within. Sometimes you do have to go off on your own and take a pause, so that you can search for your inner wisdom. That can be quite powerful, especially when your wisdom has been squashed by all of the noise around you. That also can be mean that it might take some time to reclaim your intuition – I hope that you find the time to look within!

With encouragement,

Irene la poupée


1 – 17 – 22 Reading: Release and allow it to go

Dearest Poppet,

Sometimes we try to fight the inevitable – pouring all of our energy and life into trying to save or avoid the fate that we can see for a project, relationship, or dream. Our behavior is often unintentional and we keep trying and hoping that we can do something to stop it. All of that hope, all of that time, we don’t want it to be all for waste and we don’t want to be left with the pain.

I can say for sure that it is better to left for with the pain for a short while–so that the healing can begin. It’s better to live in reality and truth (which I know probably sounds silly while reading this letter from a doll but I still mean it!!) – don’t poison your life with a lie, have the courage to live in honesty and healing.

I am here for you if you need me, I am rooting for you to stay strong. I am not wishing you to give up or avoid every tough situation–just that if you can see something winding to a close, just wish it on its way and keep pressing forward.

With encouragement,

Irene la poupée


1 – 3 – 22 Reading: Clarity returns

Dearest Poppet,

Happy new year, my sweet! I am looking forward to this year as last year was such an improvement from 2020. I feel inspired to make new changes and to take things into a new direction. Change can be frightening but remaining stagnant is certainly the worse of the two paths. To look back over our lives and see that nothing is different is disheartening, but making small changes before we get to that point will avoid those feelings.

The confusion of the past couple of weeks is evaporating and clarity is forming within us. Our desire to change is the guidance we need to follow as we start our year. Now is the time where answers will find us, and we can confidently step forwarding and not remain uncertain.

Let the mental fog slip away and allow yourself to formulate your next move!

With encouragement,

Irene la poupée


11-15-21: Card of the Week: Four of Swords

Dearest Poppet,

I might be a doll but I am a keen observer of human beings and their behaviors and I have to say, sometimes you all overdo it. The need for success is strong within you all but there is a physical cost for that. They say ‘what goes up must come down’ but sometimes the down is more like a crash. My human is guilty of this more times than one, and I’m sure she is not alone! The best intentions can sometimes get away and this card of the week is a clear reminder to slow it down a bit.

The Four of Swords represents severely slowing down and taking a step back – a retreat or time within is necessary here because it is greatly needed. Stillness and solitude are helpful this week, especially before the holidays ramp up. It’s important to take some time to rest and remove the mental clutter. You don’t want to burn out when you are going to be needed most, and there’s a lot of healing that comes from taking the time now to recharge.

The demands of the world will always be there and sometimes they can wait so that you can recover. I hope that you are able to enjoy some much needed downtime-even small moments here and there are helpful-so that you feel better and ready to take on the world.

With love,

Irene la poupée


8-23-21: Card of the Week: Page of Coins (Reversed)

Dearest Poppet,

Wow! What a hectic few days its been, I hope your spirits are remaining high despite the demands of the season. I was surprised to see our page of coins again, albeit a bit nervous because of the reversed status.

But then again, I can’t be surprised with how stressed my energy has become. I might be a doll but sometimes my mood does affect the cards of the week! In reverse, our Page of Coins speaks to a lack of focus, feeling overwhelmed and distracted. There is a lot going on and you might be losing motivation.

“It’s darkest before dawn” is quite cliche but very true this week. I wish you clarity and focus in all that you do and hope that the message of the cards resonates with you. Coins is about being realistic, practical, but we all limits and sometimes the hours really do run out in a day.

Wishing you success despite the craziness.

With faith,

Irene la poupée


7-12-21: Card of the Week: VI The Lovers

Dearest Poppet,

Greetings from the dollhouse…I hope that you were able to start making those changes within your life. We can become entangled within someone else’s vision if we don’t fight for ourselves. Thankfully, in terms of “fighting” you should haven’t to do much this week with our card : VI The Lovers.

This is a stellar card for relationships–a card that suggest good times and happy memories. Use this time to make an incredible summer memory in your relationship or if you are looking, this week offers wonderful prospects. You might wonder how I can speak to romance with me being doll, but I do spend a ridiculous amount of my time observing humans. And I can absolutely say that if I was human–I wouldn’t be interested in relationships–they seem complicated to me.

For those who aren’t attached or share my personal opinion about the matter, this week is also really good for making decisions. You can also use the time to build passion for the things that are important for you. Before my card reading, I spent a few hours painting and writing (something I haven’t done in a while) and I found it to be immensely beneficial. I was able to really lose myself in art. We can’t control how other people enter our lives or interact with us (I am thankful that the human I live with is pleasant most days) but we can focus rebuilding the passion for something that used to give us life.

I hope that you end this week happier.

With love,

Irene la poupée