
Reading 1/23/2023 – Rule Your Emotions

Card: King Of Cups

Element for the Week: Water

Mantra: I am sovereign of every emotion in my realm

Dearest Poppet,

I am hopeful that this year has begun with a different purpose than all previous ones. My human has changed so dramatically that it’s hard to believe that 2022 was only a few short weeks ago. She is quite aggressive in approaching every obstacle and hopes that this year, life reflects what she has always wished for.

It’s tough to see the entire journey that every one of our decisions can activate. It’s only when we look back on our lives that we see what actions made the biggest impact. What terrifies my human and I is that these choices often boil down to one delicate thought. We hope that somehow or another, we continue to make more of those right decisions as we travel though this new year.

Also, Poppet, please forgive my extended absence the past couple of months. My human struggled with a lot of mental health issues, and I had to do my best to comfort her. Please know that I thought of you often and always looked forward to our next correspondence. I wish you knew how much warmth you bring me and how happy I am to write to you every week.

For this week’s message, the King of Cups brings in a time of emotional fortitude – you are able to manage the highs and lows of feelings (and even though I am a doll, I remember all of my emotions from when I was human). This is the week to make those bigger decisions because you will be the most objective.

I hope that you are able to look back and be so relieved that whatever new path you take this week leads to something magnificent later on. You don’t necessarily want to trust your emotions (because they still can be unruly) but you do want to believe in your ability to reign over them.

With joy,

Irene la poupée


12 – 27 -21 Weekly Reading

Dearest Poppet,

I hope you are having the happiest of holidays! I am thankful for our letters this year and being able to share the messages from the cards. I know that life can often be overwhelming and a lot to handle, and I hope that you found solace and comfort from my words, even if just a small amount.

While the past several years have been unbelievably challenging, we can end our year with love and harmony. Celebrate with loved ones and close friends, spend time getting out of your head and enjoy the presence of others. If folks like that are not around, we should always take the time time to work on just being in harmony – not allowing our inner thoughts to throw us off course.

We can easily be pulled off course from the demands of life – but those demands do not have to enter our inner world.

I hope that you can end this year in contentment and share your warmth with others.

My sincerest wishes for the new year,

Irene la poupée


11-08-21: Card of the Week: Eight Of Cups

Dearest Poppet,

I am shocked by the hostile air this evening- I can hear my human on the phone, making every effort to calm down several folks. I wonder if everyone just needs some time to decompress? The busy holidays are swiftly on their way and things will only get more hectic!

Despite the frustration of the day, this actually leads up quite nicely to our card of the week – The Eight of Cups. Usually in this card, you will see a figure sailing away from eight goblets. This is the perfect card that represents release, letting go.

This card signifies sailing away from something that no longer serves us – moving forward with lighter steps and abandoning what doesn’t help us anymore. We can feel disappointed from this ‘loss’ but that’s just our nature. We invest and pour so much of ourselves into our desires – it’s going to feel like a letdown. But moving on is the best way of pushing forward and it doesn’t mean that we won’t get something amazing in the future, it just means we aren’t holding on to the things that aren’t good for us.

I hope that you feel at peace moving on from something that holds you back.

With faith,

Irene la poupée