
1 – 24 – 22 Reading: Conserve, hold back

Dearest Poppet,

We’ve been a sick household for about a week and we hope that you and yours are staying healthy! It is the time of year to be sick but we are grateful for that we are still ok, can still work, and are still alive (well, except me being a doll doesn’t have to worry about the latter 🙂 ).

Now is the time where we must hold back, especially financially. Hold back on impulse shopping (a trick that my human does is to wait 24 hours and see if you still want it – works 9/10) focus on saving money and conserving your financial resources for now. Don’t run the risk of spending something you might need later, especially if times get a bit challenging.

Holding back seems like a terrible thing but we’ve been fine living this way – because it forces us to focus on what really matters, what really brings happiness.

With love,

Irene la poupée


1 – 17 – 22 Reading: Release and allow it to go

Dearest Poppet,

Sometimes we try to fight the inevitable – pouring all of our energy and life into trying to save or avoid the fate that we can see for a project, relationship, or dream. Our behavior is often unintentional and we keep trying and hoping that we can do something to stop it. All of that hope, all of that time, we don’t want it to be all for waste and we don’t want to be left with the pain.

I can say for sure that it is better to left for with the pain for a short while–so that the healing can begin. It’s better to live in reality and truth (which I know probably sounds silly while reading this letter from a doll but I still mean it!!) – don’t poison your life with a lie, have the courage to live in honesty and healing.

I am here for you if you need me, I am rooting for you to stay strong. I am not wishing you to give up or avoid every tough situation–just that if you can see something winding to a close, just wish it on its way and keep pressing forward.

With encouragement,

Irene la poupée


1 – 10 – 22 Reading: Allow Fortune’s Favor

Dearest Poppet,

There’s a time when we must rest and allow ourselves to be heal and restore, where we must take things slow and forget about all of our obligations. Slowing down allows us to see the big picture and reprioritize what matters most to us.

However, this week is not one of those times. Now is where we need to spring into action and get moving. I might be a doll, but I know how much courage it takes to gather that boldness, especially when you have to motivated yourself.

I hope that you feel empowered to accomplish what matters most to you this week, perhaps even take a risk or two! This is where we seize our opportunities and bring our plans to life.

Wishing you courage,

Irene la poupée


1 – 3 – 22 Reading: Clarity returns

Dearest Poppet,

Happy new year, my sweet! I am looking forward to this year as last year was such an improvement from 2020. I feel inspired to make new changes and to take things into a new direction. Change can be frightening but remaining stagnant is certainly the worse of the two paths. To look back over our lives and see that nothing is different is disheartening, but making small changes before we get to that point will avoid those feelings.

The confusion of the past couple of weeks is evaporating and clarity is forming within us. Our desire to change is the guidance we need to follow as we start our year. Now is the time where answers will find us, and we can confidently step forwarding and not remain uncertain.

Let the mental fog slip away and allow yourself to formulate your next move!

With encouragement,

Irene la poupée


12 – 27 -21 Weekly Reading

Dearest Poppet,

I hope you are having the happiest of holidays! I am thankful for our letters this year and being able to share the messages from the cards. I know that life can often be overwhelming and a lot to handle, and I hope that you found solace and comfort from my words, even if just a small amount.

While the past several years have been unbelievably challenging, we can end our year with love and harmony. Celebrate with loved ones and close friends, spend time getting out of your head and enjoy the presence of others. If folks like that are not around, we should always take the time time to work on just being in harmony – not allowing our inner thoughts to throw us off course.

We can easily be pulled off course from the demands of life – but those demands do not have to enter our inner world.

I hope that you can end this year in contentment and share your warmth with others.

My sincerest wishes for the new year,

Irene la poupée


12 – 13 – 21 Weekly Reading <3

Dearest Poppet,

I’m sure you are familiar with how easy it is for our thoughts and emotions to get carried away. I might be a doll but I used to be human, and haven’t forgotten what it was like to be swept away by runaway fears.

When fear takes over, it can be difficult to break free from it. We want to prepare ourselves mentally and we really can’t think of anything else. The desire to figure it out and get away from it becomes overwhelming, and we can find ourselves consumed in the process.

Though it’s tough to gather the strength to challenge these fears – doing so eliminates a lot of the thoughts and emotions. It’s important to see the fear in reality so that it isn’t allowed to grow and get out of control.

I hope that you can muster the courage to bring some of your fears to reality this week — I’m off the crack the whip on my human who is attempting to avoid said fear!

With sincerity,

Irene la poupée


12 – 6 – 21: Card of the Week: Eight of Swords

Dearest Poppet,

The holidays can be an exhilarating but trying time. There’s so much magic and celebration but there is also additional demands that can really take a toll on us. I hope that you are able to steal some moments to unwind, but even that isn’t enough sometimes.

The card of the week is extremely favorable – VIII The Strength. Strength can show itself in many forms, and it is not always in brute strength. You need to embrace the ways that you are uniquely strong and forge ahead with those strengths. We can’t solve everything, but we can still end our days knowing that we tackled everything that was thrown at us today.

I hope that you feel a surge of strength and are able to make it through whatever is challenging you.

With love,

Irene la poupée


11-15-21: Card of the Week: Four of Swords

Dearest Poppet,

I might be a doll but I am a keen observer of human beings and their behaviors and I have to say, sometimes you all overdo it. The need for success is strong within you all but there is a physical cost for that. They say ‘what goes up must come down’ but sometimes the down is more like a crash. My human is guilty of this more times than one, and I’m sure she is not alone! The best intentions can sometimes get away and this card of the week is a clear reminder to slow it down a bit.

The Four of Swords represents severely slowing down and taking a step back – a retreat or time within is necessary here because it is greatly needed. Stillness and solitude are helpful this week, especially before the holidays ramp up. It’s important to take some time to rest and remove the mental clutter. You don’t want to burn out when you are going to be needed most, and there’s a lot of healing that comes from taking the time now to recharge.

The demands of the world will always be there and sometimes they can wait so that you can recover. I hope that you are able to enjoy some much needed downtime-even small moments here and there are helpful-so that you feel better and ready to take on the world.

With love,

Irene la poupée


11-08-21: Card of the Week: Eight Of Cups

Dearest Poppet,

I am shocked by the hostile air this evening- I can hear my human on the phone, making every effort to calm down several folks. I wonder if everyone just needs some time to decompress? The busy holidays are swiftly on their way and things will only get more hectic!

Despite the frustration of the day, this actually leads up quite nicely to our card of the week – The Eight of Cups. Usually in this card, you will see a figure sailing away from eight goblets. This is the perfect card that represents release, letting go.

This card signifies sailing away from something that no longer serves us – moving forward with lighter steps and abandoning what doesn’t help us anymore. We can feel disappointed from this ‘loss’ but that’s just our nature. We invest and pour so much of ourselves into our desires – it’s going to feel like a letdown. But moving on is the best way of pushing forward and it doesn’t mean that we won’t get something amazing in the future, it just means we aren’t holding on to the things that aren’t good for us.

I hope that you feel at peace moving on from something that holds you back.

With faith,

Irene la poupée


11-01-21: Card of the Week: Eight Of Pentacles

Dearest Poppet,

How are your Halloween festivities? I might be a doll but I have still managed to gorge myself on an endless amount of sweets. Who can deny a chocolate nugget or three?

I was excited to see a lot of folks celebrating this weekend, it’s a far cry from the small celebrations of last year (if any). My human has heard from a few old friends, and I was happy to see her in good spirits. Speaking of my human…I had given her a reading of the 8 of Pentacles a few weeks ago, and then I drew the same card for our reading! (I was using a different deck at that time).

The Eight of Pentacles is also in the same suit as last week (the King of Pentacles). Pentacles are the earth element, our skills and talents in the material world. For us, it’s been about establishing roots, learning, growing. How there is so much to learn, it seems like there is always another task, another lesson to learn.

Our card of the week continues this learning–guiding us to mastery and accomplishment. Though things might feel overwhelming and excessive, it’s important that we take this time to understand and learn how to do better. Sometimes things feel as though they will never change, but they do when we make small changes every day.

Happy Halloween my sweet!

Irene la poupée