
6 – 27 – 22: Try New Things

Dearest Poppet,

I hope that you are in good spirits and that you are able to find some peace throughout your week. There always seems to be a lot coming at us and it is easy to be swept away in the weekly chaos, though things might feel a bit stalled at the moment.

I say ‘stalled’ rather than ‘stagnant’ because it is a temporarily sensation that will pass. This is the time for you to start a new skill–something that will be needed when things pick up again. I would recommend something that is challenging because this is the time to dive into something that takes a lot to learn. Your future self will thank you for making the effort right now.

May you feel encouraged to press ahead try something tough. I know that it will lead to an unexpected opportunity because you will be training yourself on something equally unexpected. To give you an example, my human has been learning more technical skills – which is has been giving her a much deeper grasp of her role at work. This is not a requirement, she just really wants to grow her skills and learn more.

It’s much easier to learn things when there isn’t a harsh timeline or stress about it.

With encouragement,

Irene la poupée


6 – 6 -22: Stick to the Routine

Dearest Poppet.

There is a lot of fluff out there, and it’s easy to get carried away in what others are doing. Sometimes, it feels like everyone is already at the finish line while we are stuck behind. On more than one occasion has my human lamented in her lack of progress. For this week, I don’t want you to think about then but instead, everything that you are working on to improve your circumstances.

Keep your nose to the grindstone and keep up with all of the habits that you’ve worked so hard to cultivate. It may not feel like it is amounting to anything but it can when you least expect it. Do not allow your thoughts to derail your progress – this is your time to continue making the changes that you want in your life. I hope that you feel encouraged to press ahead, even when the reward is out of sight.

Please know that I am rooting for you.

With love,

Irene la poupée


5 – 30 – 22: Embrace What You Have

Dearest Poppet,

I hope that you are able to enjoy the season – my human and I have been spending a great deal of time by the water. She now wears a soft tan while I am still pale. Thankfully, since I am a doll I didn’t burn – I am certain I would have if I were human!

Just relaxing in the water felt calming, restorative to us both. There is so much to strive for but it is important to relish in water you do have. It took us about 6 months to even step into the water, what a waste in hindsight. I hope that I am not sounding trite to say ‘be thankful’ because being appreciative doesn’t mean anything that needs to change, is actually any different. There is still so much to work on and so much that needs to be improved, why stop to smell the roses?

The reason is because we truly distort our vision when we fail to take in the good most times, and everything is always negative. It only takes a slight change in perspective (or the wisdom of a friend) to show us all that we have, which can be more than we realize. Even the simple stuff such as health really isn’t that simple when we delve deeper – it can be gone in an instant and take so much to get back to the place that we took for granted.

Even if things are not matching to what you hoped for this week – I truly hope that you find moments that remind you of the good things.

With love,

Irene la poupée


5-23-22 Reading: Embrace Metamorphosis

Dearest Poppet,

Please forgive the extended recess, my human and I were facing a lot together. Out of the blue, things became overwhelming and we both weren’t sure how to find our way out the chaos. There’s always a new lesson on the horizon and the harder we try to avoid them, the faster they find us.

Sometimes, we can be in a rut for a while and it’s tough to see that there are some aspects of ourselves that we have to release–old habits that no longer serve us, people that are a real detriment, beliefs that aren’t realistic (and this is coming from a writing doll!). As long as we hold ourselves back, it’s that much harder to face what life has instore for us.

But the good news is that it only takes small steps to make improvement, and the more steps you begin to take, the more change that sweeps over. I hope that you feel inspired to make things better and that you will look back and see all of the positive differences that are now in your life.

With encouragement,

Irene la poupée


4 – 11 -22 Reading: Allow your inner strength to surface

Dearest Poppet,

Sometimes the world can really throw a lot at us – I know that my human has been incredibly overwhelmed with just life right now. There’s a lot that can happen that can really suck the life right out of us. It doesn’t take much to be brought down or to have to fight to stay positive.

It can be an uphill battle to gather enough confidence to press forward.

Be sure to cultivate your inner strength this week – allow it to take a step out there in the world. Inner fortitude isn’t always about being the loudest or the outright strongest. It comes from your own personal power and belief, and that can’t be faked.

I hope that you can feel able to conquer anything that comes across your path this week.

With hope,

Irene la poupée


3 – 28 – 22 Reading: Advancing Ahead

Dearest Poppet,

I sincerely apologize for my extended absence – I have been quite swamped this season. I trust that you are well and hope that we can pick up where we left off a few weeks ago. The world seems more stressful since I have last written to you and sometimes I get swept away in worry. However, I have good news – our forecast for the week is very strong.

Look out for job opportunities and career advancement along the horizon.

May you feel encouraged to progress and grow.

We all deserve a chance to get out there and show the world what we are made of. It is time to forge ahead but don’t feel uncertain–it is the time to feel secure and comforted.

Meditate on the element of Earth and feel your roots connect below. You are more secure and grounded than you realize – though sometimes that doesn’t shine through until times get tough. But there is no need for things to be chaotic within–this is the time to feel the support of the ground.

Please let me know how you fare!

With encouragement,

Irene la poupée


2 – 21 – 22 Reading: Stay Centered

Dearest Poppet,

There are many shiny baubles in this world, trinkets that would be all the more exciting upon possessing it. There’s an infinite amount of exciting gadgets – whether there are material or not – and its easy to get get swept away by our wishes and desires.

What if I owned _____________ ? Wouldn’t my life be all the better for it?

The truth is, we don’t really know. Some things are better and some would become a burden. As an example, my human and I watched a show about a woman who had won millions and millions from the lottery – and she still wasn’t happy. You could see it in her body language and face because suddenly, she had a ton more responsibilities and people coming at her. I can’t imagine how draining that must be (at least for me, I could just stay still and go back to being a doll – you can’t find me – but you humans don’t have that luxury!!).

We will never have all of the answers or know what truly makes us happy until we lose it. Despite all of our wants, we need to remain grounded and not allow ourselves to become carried away by our foolishness. Keep pressing forward in life absolutely, but do so with a clear and grounded approach. Your life can really become lost to wants if you don’t stay centered.

With love,

Irene la poupée


2 – 14 – 22 Reading: Use this Opportunity for Change

Dearest Poppet,

I sincerely hope you are well and trust that you have enjoyed sometime for yourself. There are so many wonderful things about life, yet who doesn’t enjoy curling up with a book or three?? Just taking time to reflect gives me time to reconnect with this strange existence. I’m sure my human is grateful that I am not an evil doll!

I am deeply invested in the occult and would love to spend my days in a library full of ancient tomes. What a time to be alive (for others at least)! I remember the days when this wasn’t as accepted and even in the last 20 years or so, I’ve noticed many tarot books are commonplace in bookshops. I am delighted with the popularity of occult practices and magic. It truly is a good time to be a card reader!

Though our cards have given us quite a lot to ponder these past weeks. Times might have been tough but expect things to get a little easier. Suddenly, the clouds of the storm are going to part.

However, I have to stress the importance of making changes and using this time to do things a little differently. Problems may go but they can find a way back to us if we remain stagnant. Just one or two changes a day doesn’t seem significant, but can be life-altering over the course of many months.

Old problems don’t have to haunt us–they can be the motivators for positive change.

With encouragement,

Irene la poupée


2 – 7 -22 Reading: Do Not Allow Old Wounds To Fester

Dearest Poppet,

I’ve made it clear throughout our correspondence that I am a mere doll – and rightly so! I’m not the biggest admirer of the human experience because it seems quite painful at times! All I can do observe my human…and honestly, that is enough suffering for me. I see her agonize over the smallest slight and I am stuck comforting her because I possess a great deal of logic.

I don’t always understand the ways of the heart because it seems a bit wild and unpredictable. Also, you can be subjugated to deep wounds that can be tough to uncover. Though I understand this is the season of love, I just would like you to be careful. There’s a high chance right now for a wound of the heart and it’s important to not allow those stabs to overtake you.

When we people do wrong – intentionally or not – we are left to nurse it (‘we’ meaning I have to comfort my human, I certainty am not afflicted with heart wounds!). The pain can stay with us for a long while and really steal our happiness in the moment. While I understand that there’s sometimes no way to avoid this sort of pain, finding ways to heal is extremely important. I always recommend if you can channel the emotions into something positive – you can’t go wrong with art or a hate poem or two!

Wishing you a strong week and I hope that you are able to heal and to do something for you.

With love,

Irene la poupée


1-31-22 Reading – Look Within For The Answer

Dearest Poppet,

I hope that you are in good spirits and are staying healthy, I felt like a downtrodden vessel that was aimlessly passing through the days. I hope I don’t sound overdramatic, but I just felt a bit directionless. All of my grand plans have run out with my human being sick with COVID and there’s uncertainty of when she will be well enough to assist me. So I’ve been tending to our small garden and I somehow managed to kill the succulents–seems like a ridiculous accomplishment living in a desert!

As tough it was, I managed to stay disciplined and did not spend any money last week (except for a few groceries). I am hoping for the go ahead to be wild and free but I know that I will have to lay low until my human tests negative.

I am not surprised to say that we are meant for this time – though it might be isolating and uncertain so that we can search for the answers within. Sometimes you do have to go off on your own and take a pause, so that you can search for your inner wisdom. That can be quite powerful, especially when your wisdom has been squashed by all of the noise around you. That also can be mean that it might take some time to reclaim your intuition – I hope that you find the time to look within!

With encouragement,

Irene la poupée