
Reading 6/12/2023 – Reevaluate your intentions

Card: Nine of Chalices

Element for the Week: Water

Mantra: Reevaluate your intentions

Dearest Poppet,

Sometimes, we have a clear understanding of why we do what we do. We all desire something and when that thing enters our awareness – we can easily act without thought. Whether we capture it or not – we still don’t have to question our actions or make sense of our behavior.

If only life was always that straightforward. Many times we will mindlessly act without a clear purpose or want. Though that can be for the best so that life doesn’t entirely fall down the hedonistic path but there are always balances.

Our message for this week is to stop and question your motives. Why are you behaving the way that you are? Is it because you want to win anyone over? There is nothing wrong with wanting to impress others but sometimes your best intentions can really harm you. If you focus too much on others, their wishes will dominate your entire existence. Then you’ll find that days, weeks, and months are spent following the vision of someone else.

To make matters worse, if you don’t stay in touch with yourself then you won’t know what to fall back on after you step away from them. In order to know what is important to you, you have to remain in touch with it.

Those who really care about you will meet you wherever you are at.

I hope that you feel encouraged to question what or who drives you.

Warm regards,

Irene la poupée


Reading 2/13/2023 – Search for a New Perspective

Card: Eight of Swords

Element for the Week: Air

Mantra: Search for a new perspective.

Dearest Poppet,

The chains that imprison us in life may never be visible. To make matters worse, we may not ever become conscious of what holds us back. We might feel like are hitting a slump, without ever realizing that we are doing something to hold ourselves back.

Be careful that you aren’t unintentionally sabotaging yourself along the way. Be wary of your thoughts this week and be quick to challenge any ultimatums. A lot of times, there are many ways around a challenge, but we are unable to see it in the moment. At the end of the day – all we can see is the problem and nothing else.

Weirdly, before I chose the card for the week – my human had mentioned that she was a bit stressed about this week. Everything seemed to be coming at once. She couldn’t really find a moment where should just slow down and turn off her mind. Upon hearing this – I begged her to see if she could step outside of her struggles and study to see if she was doing anything to imprison herself. I can honestly say that she has a lot of responsibility, so even if she is self-sabotaging herself, it could only go so far. But that doesn’t mean that she couldn’t be making bad decisions and doing things that hurt.

Life cannot be perfect all of the time but that doesn’t mean that we should be constantly wounding ourselves. Try to take another look at a challenge and see if you can uncover any hidden messages about yourself.

With encouragement,

Irene la poupée


Reading 2/06/2023 – Something good comes to fruition

Card: Nine Of Cups

Element for the Week: Water

Mantra: Something good will be granted this week.

Dearest Poppet,

What is the magic behind the number nine? Last week we had the nine of swords and now the nine of chalices? I promise that my little doll hands are properly shuffling the cards! Nine is the completion number – a fulfilling end to a journey. You are moving onto another era of your life – leaving behind the old ways that no longer serve you.

This makes sense for February – after feeling out January – it is time for you to start experiencing this year. Does it feel the same as it always has, or are you starting to make small changes? Even a microscopic change can make waves over time. There is too much going on but there is enough time to do one thing differently each day.

This week is your week to experience something amazing – something that has taken time to build up. Just revel in all that you do and allow things to happen and take shape on their own. We all deserve our turn to just stand back and allow the good things to show up for us. This is not the time to fight but the time to bask. Get used to to letting things happen to you – this is how life can really change.

With expectation,

Irene la poupée


Reading 1/30/2023 – Remember That You Are Human

Card: Nine of Swords

Element for the Week: Air

Mantra: Every challenge can put me in a place of realization.

Dearest Poppet,

I know that I often remind you of how I am a doll that used to be human. Even though I am no longer of flesh and bone – my soul was imprinted within this porcelain body. Now I am but an observer to your experience (and that of my human caretaker) and that allows me to see your suffering and joy with a great deal of clarity.

I only wish that I had carried this perspective in my previous existence. Then again- that would be impossible.

Last week I wrote to you about emotional stability but this week, that steadiness does not carry over. This is a time with fears and anxiety can infect your wellbeing. It’s understandable at times – you want to guard yourself and be prepared for any uncertainties. However, things can become unbalanced, and you can find yourself just lost in a nightmare of thought.

That spiral doesn’t heal or help in any way. Also, you can be completely unconscious to its grip on you – the only indication being that negative feeling.

This week, I want you to try to take some deep breaths and take a moment to see where the thoughts are coming from. More than likely, it’s a fear of some kind. I don’t want you to tackle said fear (especially if your mental health is comprised, someone more medically qualified has to do that). I just want you to be aware and to see it for what it is – a thought not grounded in reality.

I know my human often wonders why she has to feel this way – why can’t those emotions just be gone? I try to remind her that sometimes, these ungrounded fears can put you in a place of realization. What I mean by that is they can actually give you an insight into something hidden. There is something deeper that is tied within that fear and uncovering that can help to understand what you are really afraid of. While that discovery may not magic your worries away, it can help because it shows you the real problem that needs to be worked out.

I hope that you move through this week with encouragement – you can get to the bottom of fears and negative emotions, and you can come out stronger. You can also uncover something important about yourself – something that would never ever come to the surface if everything in life were “perfect”.

May you feel empowered and proud of yourself by week’s end.

With hope,

Irene la poupée


Reading 1/23/2023 – Rule Your Emotions

Card: King Of Cups

Element for the Week: Water

Mantra: I am sovereign of every emotion in my realm

Dearest Poppet,

I am hopeful that this year has begun with a different purpose than all previous ones. My human has changed so dramatically that it’s hard to believe that 2022 was only a few short weeks ago. She is quite aggressive in approaching every obstacle and hopes that this year, life reflects what she has always wished for.

It’s tough to see the entire journey that every one of our decisions can activate. It’s only when we look back on our lives that we see what actions made the biggest impact. What terrifies my human and I is that these choices often boil down to one delicate thought. We hope that somehow or another, we continue to make more of those right decisions as we travel though this new year.

Also, Poppet, please forgive my extended absence the past couple of months. My human struggled with a lot of mental health issues, and I had to do my best to comfort her. Please know that I thought of you often and always looked forward to our next correspondence. I wish you knew how much warmth you bring me and how happy I am to write to you every week.

For this week’s message, the King of Cups brings in a time of emotional fortitude – you are able to manage the highs and lows of feelings (and even though I am a doll, I remember all of my emotions from when I was human). This is the week to make those bigger decisions because you will be the most objective.

I hope that you are able to look back and be so relieved that whatever new path you take this week leads to something magnificent later on. You don’t necessarily want to trust your emotions (because they still can be unruly) but you do want to believe in your ability to reign over them.

With joy,

Irene la poupée


Reading 10 – 3 -22: Big Opportunities Are Coming Your Way

Dearest Poppet,

I trust that your Halloween decorations have been released from their prisons – and that you are swimming in orange and black. I hope that your season is magical and full costumes and candied delights ❤

There is so much opportunity around – all you need to do is to stay focus and to keep trying. You just never know what will be the hit. This is the time to experiment – to try new things. Your ideas are worth visiting and you could be creating something spectacular.

Enjoy this time to see what happens and just go for it. There are no wrong paths and there are no mistakes – except staying where you are.

I hope that something amazing happens for you.

With encouragement,

Irene la poupée


9 – 12 – 22 Reading: Take a step back, if needed from others

Dearest Poppet,

My human and I are excited for the end of summer and the beginning of coolness. Though our days are still sunny, we can steal more time outside in the mornings and evenings again, we are both so thankful for the reprieve. We hope that you are able to enjoy a few moments of stillness even though we know this back to school season is anything but calm. With so many demands in a short amount of time, life is definitely overwhelming right now.

When tensions are high all around, it’s important to be mindful of how others are feeling around you. Now is the time when fights can break out just from everyone being stressed out. Keep an eye on your relationships and if things seem tense, take a step back and allow things to settle. Communication is vital but not when things are heated – coming back together after everyone has had a chance to cool off can make the difference between working on a solution or just fighting because everyone is hurt.

May this busy time pass and leave us feeling encouraged for the holidays, rather then in annoyance with those we care about.

With encouragement,

Irene la poupée


5 – 30 – 22: Embrace What You Have

Dearest Poppet,

I hope that you are able to enjoy the season – my human and I have been spending a great deal of time by the water. She now wears a soft tan while I am still pale. Thankfully, since I am a doll I didn’t burn – I am certain I would have if I were human!

Just relaxing in the water felt calming, restorative to us both. There is so much to strive for but it is important to relish in water you do have. It took us about 6 months to even step into the water, what a waste in hindsight. I hope that I am not sounding trite to say ‘be thankful’ because being appreciative doesn’t mean anything that needs to change, is actually any different. There is still so much to work on and so much that needs to be improved, why stop to smell the roses?

The reason is because we truly distort our vision when we fail to take in the good most times, and everything is always negative. It only takes a slight change in perspective (or the wisdom of a friend) to show us all that we have, which can be more than we realize. Even the simple stuff such as health really isn’t that simple when we delve deeper – it can be gone in an instant and take so much to get back to the place that we took for granted.

Even if things are not matching to what you hoped for this week – I truly hope that you find moments that remind you of the good things.

With love,

Irene la poupée


6-21-21: Card of the Week: Page of Pentacles

Dearest Poppet,

Our card for the week is the Page of Pentacles – an inspiring card that tells us that we are beginning a creative journey. There may be obstacles along the path but we are motivated and encouraged to be here. It’s exciting to press ahead but it’s important to remain grounded in the physical – which is what the pentacles represent. We must be sure that we have a practical plan in place or else our progression will be imaginary. Do we want our creative passions to remain in our hearts or wouldn’t it be awesome for them to manifest in this world?

This is the time to awaken to the world of imagination and creativity – that project that has gathering dust should be brushed off. Those old ideas that are nearly forgotten should be given a second thought. This world is filled with stress and hatred and we need more of the inspiring, more people clearing their hearts through art.

This week, make a plan in place for your creative dreams — I know that I will be doing the same. It can be complex and confusing but tackling it in small bits every day can add up to something significant over time.

With regards,

Irene la poupée