
Reading 2/06/2023 – Something good comes to fruition

Card: Nine Of Cups

Element for the Week: Water

Mantra: Something good will be granted this week.

Dearest Poppet,

What is the magic behind the number nine? Last week we had the nine of swords and now the nine of chalices? I promise that my little doll hands are properly shuffling the cards! Nine is the completion number – a fulfilling end to a journey. You are moving onto another era of your life – leaving behind the old ways that no longer serve you.

This makes sense for February – after feeling out January – it is time for you to start experiencing this year. Does it feel the same as it always has, or are you starting to make small changes? Even a microscopic change can make waves over time. There is too much going on but there is enough time to do one thing differently each day.

This week is your week to experience something amazing – something that has taken time to build up. Just revel in all that you do and allow things to happen and take shape on their own. We all deserve our turn to just stand back and allow the good things to show up for us. This is not the time to fight but the time to bask. Get used to to letting things happen to you – this is how life can really change.

With expectation,

Irene la poupée

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