
Reading 1/30/2023 – Remember That You Are Human

Card: Nine of Swords

Element for the Week: Air

Mantra: Every challenge can put me in a place of realization.

Dearest Poppet,

I know that I often remind you of how I am a doll that used to be human. Even though I am no longer of flesh and bone – my soul was imprinted within this porcelain body. Now I am but an observer to your experience (and that of my human caretaker) and that allows me to see your suffering and joy with a great deal of clarity.

I only wish that I had carried this perspective in my previous existence. Then again- that would be impossible.

Last week I wrote to you about emotional stability but this week, that steadiness does not carry over. This is a time with fears and anxiety can infect your wellbeing. It’s understandable at times – you want to guard yourself and be prepared for any uncertainties. However, things can become unbalanced, and you can find yourself just lost in a nightmare of thought.

That spiral doesn’t heal or help in any way. Also, you can be completely unconscious to its grip on you – the only indication being that negative feeling.

This week, I want you to try to take some deep breaths and take a moment to see where the thoughts are coming from. More than likely, it’s a fear of some kind. I don’t want you to tackle said fear (especially if your mental health is comprised, someone more medically qualified has to do that). I just want you to be aware and to see it for what it is – a thought not grounded in reality.

I know my human often wonders why she has to feel this way – why can’t those emotions just be gone? I try to remind her that sometimes, these ungrounded fears can put you in a place of realization. What I mean by that is they can actually give you an insight into something hidden. There is something deeper that is tied within that fear and uncovering that can help to understand what you are really afraid of. While that discovery may not magic your worries away, it can help because it shows you the real problem that needs to be worked out.

I hope that you move through this week with encouragement – you can get to the bottom of fears and negative emotions, and you can come out stronger. You can also uncover something important about yourself – something that would never ever come to the surface if everything in life were “perfect”.

May you feel empowered and proud of yourself by week’s end.

With hope,

Irene la poupée

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