
5-23-22 Reading: Embrace Metamorphosis

Dearest Poppet,

Please forgive the extended recess, my human and I were facing a lot together. Out of the blue, things became overwhelming and we both weren’t sure how to find our way out the chaos. There’s always a new lesson on the horizon and the harder we try to avoid them, the faster they find us.

Sometimes, we can be in a rut for a while and it’s tough to see that there are some aspects of ourselves that we have to release–old habits that no longer serve us, people that are a real detriment, beliefs that aren’t realistic (and this is coming from a writing doll!). As long as we hold ourselves back, it’s that much harder to face what life has instore for us.

But the good news is that it only takes small steps to make improvement, and the more steps you begin to take, the more change that sweeps over. I hope that you feel inspired to make things better and that you will look back and see all of the positive differences that are now in your life.

With encouragement,

Irene la poupée

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