
4 – 11 -22 Reading: Allow your inner strength to surface

Dearest Poppet,

Sometimes the world can really throw a lot at us – I know that my human has been incredibly overwhelmed with just life right now. There’s a lot that can happen that can really suck the life right out of us. It doesn’t take much to be brought down or to have to fight to stay positive.

It can be an uphill battle to gather enough confidence to press forward.

Be sure to cultivate your inner strength this week – allow it to take a step out there in the world. Inner fortitude isn’t always about being the loudest or the outright strongest. It comes from your own personal power and belief, and that can’t be faked.

I hope that you can feel able to conquer anything that comes across your path this week.

With hope,

Irene la poupée

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