
2 – 14 – 22 Reading: Use this Opportunity for Change

Dearest Poppet,

I sincerely hope you are well and trust that you have enjoyed sometime for yourself. There are so many wonderful things about life, yet who doesn’t enjoy curling up with a book or three?? Just taking time to reflect gives me time to reconnect with this strange existence. I’m sure my human is grateful that I am not an evil doll!

I am deeply invested in the occult and would love to spend my days in a library full of ancient tomes. What a time to be alive (for others at least)! I remember the days when this wasn’t as accepted and even in the last 20 years or so, I’ve noticed many tarot books are commonplace in bookshops. I am delighted with the popularity of occult practices and magic. It truly is a good time to be a card reader!

Though our cards have given us quite a lot to ponder these past weeks. Times might have been tough but expect things to get a little easier. Suddenly, the clouds of the storm are going to part.

However, I have to stress the importance of making changes and using this time to do things a little differently. Problems may go but they can find a way back to us if we remain stagnant. Just one or two changes a day doesn’t seem significant, but can be life-altering over the course of many months.

Old problems don’t have to haunt us–they can be the motivators for positive change.

With encouragement,

Irene la poupée

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