
2 – 7 -22 Reading: Do Not Allow Old Wounds To Fester

Dearest Poppet,

I’ve made it clear throughout our correspondence that I am a mere doll – and rightly so! I’m not the biggest admirer of the human experience because it seems quite painful at times! All I can do observe my human…and honestly, that is enough suffering for me. I see her agonize over the smallest slight and I am stuck comforting her because I possess a great deal of logic.

I don’t always understand the ways of the heart because it seems a bit wild and unpredictable. Also, you can be subjugated to deep wounds that can be tough to uncover. Though I understand this is the season of love, I just would like you to be careful. There’s a high chance right now for a wound of the heart and it’s important to not allow those stabs to overtake you.

When we people do wrong – intentionally or not – we are left to nurse it (‘we’ meaning I have to comfort my human, I certainty am not afflicted with heart wounds!). The pain can stay with us for a long while and really steal our happiness in the moment. While I understand that there’s sometimes no way to avoid this sort of pain, finding ways to heal is extremely important. I always recommend if you can channel the emotions into something positive – you can’t go wrong with art or a hate poem or two!

Wishing you a strong week and I hope that you are able to heal and to do something for you.

With love,

Irene la poupée

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